So here we have a conflict, between the industry standard hotkey layouts of the RTS genre as you mentioned, and the industry standard way of moving things around with WASD.

I do see the devs using click and drag and edge scroll quite a bit, but I still find WASD to be the most convenient and efficient way to move around. Due to the spherical nature of the maps, you don't have the whole battlefield presented to you to use strategic zoom to quickly and easily reach the desired location on the map, so you need to be able to quickly pan around. The problem with PA is that it doesn't work. Never ever has it occured to me to use the keyboard for moving the camera, as using the mouse to "push the edge" in older games, and strategic zoom to cursor in SupCom always sufficed.

I played a lot of RTS games till now, practically lived on AoE 2 for nigh a decade, played tons of vanilla TA and SupCom (Even had a brief shameful run at SupCom 2, not proud of it). Click to expand.I completely understand what you're saying, but: